Miniature Schnauzers Litter 1
Puppies were born 8/3/24  Mom is Hazel,  Chocolate and weighs 13 lbs. and Dad is Glen chocolate
They are CKC registered and have tails and dew claws docked. They will be UTD on shots and worming.  Go home date 10/5/24

Call or text 806-215-2321 Mike , or 806-215-2322 Debbie

Puppy # 2321
Chocolate Female

Puppy # 2322
Parti Female

Puppy # 2323
Chocolate Female

Miniature Schnauzers Litter 2
Puppies were born 8/2/24  Mom is Panda Black and White Parti,  weighs 15 lbs. and Dad is Speckles chocolate and white parti, Weighs 16 lbs.
They are CKC registered and have tails and dew claws docked. They will be UTD on shots and worming.  
We will not be pricing these pups until we know if they have blue eyes.  Females are $800. without blue eyes and $1000. with blue eyes, Males are $700. without and $900. with blue eyes.  Go home date 10/4/24
Call or text 806-215-2321 Mike , or 806-215-2322 Debbie

Puppy # 2314
Brown & White Parti 

Puppy # 2315 Female
Brown & White Parti 

Puppy # 2316 Female
Brown & White Parti 

Puppy #2317 Female
Brown & White Parti
On Hold
Blue eyes

Puppy #2318 male Brown & White Parti 

Puppy #2319 male Brown & White Parti 
Sold - Brownfield

Puppy #2320 male Brown & White parti